2nd Annual Festival del Día de los Muertos

Friday, November 1
McCarroll MS Multipurpose Building & Decatur Library

Día de los Muertos

Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos, is a two-day holiday that reunites the living and dead. Families create ofrendas to honor their departed family members that have passed. These altars are decorated with orange marigold flowers, photos of the departed, and the favorite foods and drinks of those being honored. The offerings are believed to encourage visits from the land of the dead as the departed souls hear their prayers, smell their foods, and join in the celebrations! Day of the Dead is a holiday that celebrates death and life, where mourning is exchanged for celebration.


Music & Dancing - mariachis, local dancers and vocalists, and young talent will grace the stage throughout the event.

Community Ofrendas - Local families, organizations, and companies will decorate ofrendas for display in the library and outside.

Food Trucks & Vendors - Local food trucks and food vendors themed for the event will have goods available for sale.

Mercadito - Local artists and vendors themed for the event will have products for sale.

Catrina Contest - participants of all ages are welcome to compete in a traditional Catrina costume with artistic adaptations allowed.

Kids Activities & Crafts - various educational activities and crafts will be available for children throughout the event.

Art Exhibitions - Local students’ artwork themed for the event will be displayed at the Library for viewing.